“Wan Nak Cari Missy-Missy Semua Nanti Di Padang Mahsyar”

Memang zalimlah anak-anak yang abaikan orang tua bila dah dewasa sampai ada yang terpaksa menumpang kasih orang lain untuk hilangkan rindu pada anak sendiri camni..

“WAN nak cari missy-missy (jururawat) semua nanti di Padang Mahsyar,” itulah ungkapan yang terngiang-ngiang di telinga seorang doktor di sebuah hospital kerajaan, hingga membuatkannya  menangis bila terkenang.
Menerusi satu perkongsian oleh Doktor Nadia Rahim di halaman Facebook, beliau menceritakan pengalaman seorang jururawat yang boleh dijadikan contoh kepada semua.
Kisahnya tentang seorang pesakit perempuan yang juga merupakan seorang ibu yang merindui kasih sayang anak kandungnya, telah menganggap jururawat-jururawat di hospital sebagai anak sendiri.
nadia rahim
Earlier today, I saw one of our staff nurses (SN) crying at the nurse counter. She made no attempt to hide it so it was only natural to ask her
“Hey, what happened?”
SN: Doctor, how can I not be sad. Do you want to know what did the patient say to me just now? When I was ‘sponging’ (bathing) her?
Me: mmmm?
SN: How will I ever find all of you on Judgement Day? It will be so difficult when everyone will be there and I will have to find you to say my thanks to you for taking care of me. I fear that I won’t be able to find each one of you whom have helped me today.
*Macam mana Wan nak cari misi2 semua nanti di Padang Mahsyar nak cakap terima kasih? Ramai orang nanti, Wan takut tak jumpa…
*she fondly calls herself Wan (grandma in loghat n9)
Me: (stared very hard at the case notes, trying not to cry and at the same time keeping quiet because my heart felt so heavy and there’s this choking sensation, OK, will review her last to talk to her longer)
SN: How can I not cry doctor? Tell me..
Me: mmmm. Where are her 6 children?
SN: Busy working doctor. Sighs. She is happy though, and is keen to return to the RM200/month old folks home (‘pondok orang tua’ as she calls it) to meet her friends. She used to raise her 6 children alone after her husband passed away and now none of them can stay by her side while she is ill.
A reminder for all of us, to please always take care of our parents.
Sedih kan?
Kisah ini seharusnya membuka mata setiap anak untuk terus beringat kepada ibu bapa walau sesibuk mana pun mereka.
Ini kerana sebagai seorang anak, menjadi tanggung jawab kita untuk menjaga dan memastikan mereka tidak berkecil hati disebabkan hal-hal yang mungkin kita tidak sedari. – MYNEWSHUB.CC
Sumber: Facebook Nadia Rahim
Oleh: hzq

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